Friday 30 September 2016

A New Blog?? You Traitor!

NOOOO!!! I'm not a traitor! I promise!!

Hey Guys!,

Now, I know what you must be thinking but your wrong! I'm no traitor, I'm not leaving this blog or blog spot.. I'm just simply starting a new "personal" blog on WordPress!! I'll link it below so you don't miss out on anything!...

Ok, so the idea of this new blog is to write about my everyday life.... Hmm.... Hang on, bare with me on this!

I just liked the idea of becoming a proper blogger and writing about things I love and just anything I think you guys would find funny or just interesting or just plain weird??

What you think?.... yes??... I guess its just a "wait and see kind of situation" huh?... yeah I agree..

For now its just a working progress (I've explained it a bit better on the new blog) but I'm hoping to be pretty active on there. Don't worry though, I will still be posting on here as well, I would love to use this blog for reviews and random stuff! In fact, I do have 2 (I think 3..) reviews already drafted so I'm hoping those will be up soon. I just wanna make sure I have all the details so I don't get trolled ha-ha..

Anyway, I'm gonna make this a short one so I hope you all go and check out my "new" first blog and tell me what you think?!

Here's the link to the new blog!: TheWSBeauty

Love you all! XO

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